
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


New Coin in the Works

Tom Maringer of the Shire Post—official license holder for creating coins based on the coinage of A Song of Ice and Fire—has posted a comment on our post earlier in the month noting that the shop doors have reopened after a long hiatus.

He informs us that he’s struck new examples of the Dothraki puli and denga coins—a great decision in light of the interest in learning Dothraki—and is, interestingly, working on conceptualizing the Bravossi iron coin given to Arya. Beyond that, he’s moved into creating buttons and trinkets, which could come to include ornamental pins or tacks featuring small replicas of weapons. Last but not least, Tom’s kicking around the idea of producing links for a maester’s chains, some of the metals of which would be quite straighforward to get and work with, others ... rather less so.

If you find any of the above interesting, check out the Shire Post’s online store.
