Blood of Dragons

The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' MUSH


Newbie Communicating

To communicate with other players, you need to learn how to use Say, Pose, Emit, Page and Chat. Remember to never type in the < and > shown in the examples below.


This command is used to speak to other players within the same room. To use this command, type:

SAY <msg>
” <msg>


you type:  “Hi, I am new here.
you see:  You say, “Hi, I am new here.”
others see: <Your name> says, “Hi, I am new here.”


This command is used to perform an action that can be seen by other players within the same room. To use this command, type:

POSE <action>


you type:  :waves hello.
you see:  <your name> waves hello.
others see: <your name> waves hello.


This command is used to show a message that doesn’t start with your name that can be seen by other players within the same room. To use this command, type:

@emit <action>

you type:  \A newbie enters the room.
you see:  A newbie enters the room.
others see: A newbie enters the room.


This command is used to communicate privately with one or more players that may not be in the same room. To use this command, type:

PAGE <name>=<message>
P <name>=<message>


you type:      P Nymeria=Hello there.
you see:        You paged Nymeria with “Hello there.”.
other person sees: <your name> pages: Hello there.

The next time you want to page the same person, typing P <message> is enough, but remember to use P <name>=<message> if you want to contact someone else.


This command is used to communicate with other players who have joined the same channel. To use this command, type:

+<channel name> <msg>


you type:  +new Hi, I am new here.
you see:  <Newbie> <Your name> says, “Hi, I am new here.”
others see: <Newbie> <Your name> says, “Hi, I am new here.”

Category://Info -> Newbie
