Blood of Dragons

The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' MUSH


Attempted Apologies
IC Date: Day 14 of Month 2, 158 AC.
RL Date: November 13, 2006.
Participants: Bryce Caron and Irena Marbrand.
Locations: Red Keep: Western Outer Yard

Summary: Bryce Caron tries to apologize to Irena Marbrand but it does not end as planned.

From the north of the outer yard, Bryce comes walking with a rather hurried stride, like he’s walking away from something, and he seems troubled. Not that being troubled is not his default expression since he came to the Red Keep, but today maybe more than his normal amount. He seems oblivious to his surroundings, but walk in among the trees, perhaps to be alone, perhaps for some other reason.

Irena glances up, slightly startled, at having heard someone else in the formerly rather quiet shade. It takes her a moment to spot Bryce, but when she does she drops a polite curtsy. “Good eve, ser Caron.” Not having been spotted yet is not an excuse to be rude. She is unsure of possible reactiosn, after her cousin’s behavior at the resent festivities, something that adds a touch of hesitation to her greeting.

Bryce looks startled and assumes a defensive stance when he is surprised by Irena’s presence, before he blushes a pretty shade of red across that rather light skin of his. The fact that he’s blushing seems to discomfort him alot, and he quickly bows down. “My lady Irena.. I am sorry, I did not see you..” Pause. “Good eve.” he offers, the blush remaining despite his features returning to their perpetually distant, a bit aloof expression.

Irena shakes her head before pointing out with a smile, “I was not exactly striving to be noticed.” It’s a smile that does not quiet reach her eyes though. Being overlooked is a touch of sore subject with the petite lady, even if it something that she’s used to. She adds after a slight pause, “I hope I did not disturb you. I did not mean to…”

“You did not,” Bryce more or less interrupts her as she expresses her hope, and he bites down on his lower lip in reaction to his a bit too quick reassurance. “Trust me, it was welcome” Pause, and he gets a bit of a thoughtful expression: “I..” he says after a few long moments pass by. “I hope I did not disturb you in that case, I can leave again if you wanted to enjoy the solitude.” Pause. “I mean, if you did not want to be noticed..”

A smile brightens Irena’s features as she admits, “I am actually quiet glad of the distraction.” After a moment’s pause she also adds, “If I did not want company I would not be in such a public place.” If she notices Bryce’s less than perfect behavior she does not let it show, although he has managed to get a /look/ from the nearby Septa, even if she hasn’t moved from her needlework.

The Caron knight completely fails to notice the look from the septa, and instead nods in acceptance of the Marbrand lady’s explanation. “I see.” Then, he falls silent as he looks at her, and he seems unsure as how to proceed.. a few awkward moments passes by before he hurriedly adds: “I apologize for my behavior at the feast. It was not a proper thing to do, and I hope you will forgive me.”

The Caron knight completely fails to notice the look from the septa, and instead nods in acceptance of the Marbrand lady’s explanation. “I see.” Then, he falls silent as he looks at her, and he seems unsure as how to proceed.. a few awkward moments passes by before he hurriedly adds: “I apologize for my behavior at the feast. It was not a proper thing to do, and I hope you will forgive me.”

Irena considers her answer for a moment before saying, “No harm was done, so it is a very easy thing for me to forgive.” She does not appear to be saying so just for politeness either. She adds softly after a moment, “If ser Jonn has true reason to dislike you though, that may be a bit more difficult.”

Bryce gets a rather disgruntled look, and there’s a bit of anger in his eyes. “I am sorry, my lady.. I cannot say if Ser Jonn has a reason to dislike me, but I have all the more reason to dislike your cousin. His behavior during the Conquest was unforgivable..” Pause, and he softens some, but not much. “At least I can not see how I shall forgive him for what he did - the only person who could, truly, is dead.” It is something that hits very close to home, this issue. “I am sorry, and I understand how this will not improve the way you and others see me, but I must be true to my duty and my honor. I can not just forget.. all about this.”

Irena looks down at the ground, although that does not hide her thoughtful expression, “I did not ask you to forget, or to forgive.” She looks up again, both her expression and voice full of determination “But not only the Marbrands swear their loyalty to the Lannisters; they are also family. I will not hear them spoken badly of.”

“That is why I apologized for my behavior. If you do not wish to hear what your cousin did, then you shall of course be spared it. Then, the answer to your original question is that no, I do not believe Ser Jonn has a real reason to dislike me, for I think I have done nothing wrong towards him.” He bows, but his jaw is set firm and it’s clear that he’s not very happy about the entire thing. “But if you understand family, then you would understand how..” Then he cuts off, not wishing to keep on.

There is a pause before Irena’s reply, “I am not in your position, ser Caron, so I fear that understanding may be beyond me.” Her tone is appologetic, despite the near harshness of her words. She curtsies deeply before saying, “I am sorry for digging up a difficult subject, but I fear I should be going…” The nearby Septa is raises to her feet, ready to help her charges somewhat awkward escape.

“I see. Well.. I hope to meet again, under.. Well.” He pauses, and looks awkward. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin this as well. I didn’t.” He sighs lightly and offers her a rather deep bow.

Irena shakes her head saying softly, “I’m as much at fault as you are.” She then turns on to make her way out of across and out of the yard, moving as quickly as she can without looking as if she’s rushing, much anyway.
