Blood of Dragons

The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' MUSH


Samara Sand

Samara Sand


In Brief

Samara Sand was born in the year 144 to Ser Mavros Uller and a Lyseni concubine that he kept during his exile in the Free Cities. She is the mother of Oberyn and Roxana Sand, twins rumored to have been fathered by Prince Rhodry.


Flame-red hair—like the fiery breath of dragons—is restrained by naught save a thin fillet about her brow, the silken tresses curling like a halo of fire about her shoulders and down her back, catching even the most meagre hint of light to gleam like red-hot metal or the sky at sunset. Rich with warm colour is also the smooth, silken canvas of her skin; tinted an exotic, dusky copper by her mixed heritage it is hardly an unbecomingly pale contrast to the curling tendrils of fire that almost always come to frame her face. These serve to slightly soften features that combine aristocratic refinement with hard, uncompromising lines for a result that is striking rather than merely pretty. Strongly accentuated, her high cheekbones are set wide apart, the usual tilt of her narrow chin is an unspoken challenge, and her pronounced nose is sharply aquiline, both noble and fierce. This relentless intensity is mirrored by distinctively tilted, almond-shaped eyes, bold beneath the sharp curves of copper brows and behind long lashes of reddish gold. Black as shards of dragonglass in some lights, yet in others they acquire a queer, vibrant gleam, like the deepest, darkest amber or the smouldering embers of a fire. Well-formed lips are given to a natural pout, save for whenever a sharp, mercurial smile takes her expression from brooding to fiery in an instance. Almost incongruously, her sleek, lissom form is graced by womanly curves, though there’s a core of steel beneath those sinuous lines, a hardness belied by the graceful, taunting sway that marks her light-footed, gliding movements and the velvety smoothness of her voice.

Silk the colour of the desert sands—a pale, sun-bleached shade of gold—is cut into an flowing robe with wide sleeves and broad trim brocaded in red along the cuffs as well as the front edges of the robe. About her waist a broad sash that reverses those colours, red patterned with thread-of-gold. Beneath the robe, revealed at the deep “V” of its neckline and where it slides apart about her legs where she moves, is a thin, clinging gown of deep-red silk. The neckline is cut square and low, the hemline stops well shy of her ankles to reveal laced-up sandles of pale golden leather. A necklace where chips of amber are set into an intricate net of copper wire lies about her throat, matching earrings pierce each lobe and about her forehead is a diadem centered upon a larger piece of amber. Multiple bracelets jingle softly at each wrist and rings grace several of her fingers.


Samara has a personality that matches her colourful past (and present), with a volatile temper, a sharp tongue and a headstrong nature that is not unknown amongst scions of House Uller. A certain lack of courtly polish and strange, foreign notions can also be observed, yet plainly she is also attempting to establish herself at court and forming independent connections that she can have use of without relying on her father or anyone else.


A bastard, born and raised on foreign soil, and born to a foreign woman who did not even own herself. Not much more than that is known about Samara’s past. Save, of course, the one detail that makes her presence in Sunspear of any interest at all: she can lay claim to the surname of Sand thanks to her father, Ser Mavros Uller.

During his exile in the Free Cities, the infamous knight bought and kept a half-Lyseni, half-Dothraki concubine, and she bore him a daughter that he acknowledged as his. When his exile was ended, Ser Mavros left his concubine and his daughter behind. He had no doubt expected to never see either of them again.

It is said that after Ser Mavros abandoned his daughter and her mother, the pair became part of the household of an acquaintance of his in the Free Cities. When this man, a merchant of some repute, died and his assets were sold off by his heir, the girl apparently balked at being treated like property and made her escape to Braavos, where slavery is condoned no more than it is in the Seven Kingdoms.

And yet, from Braavos she was taken by Prince Rhodry, who brought her back to Sunspear. A present for her father from his father, old Ser Quinlan Qorgyle, though hardly as a token of friendship because there is little such between the two men.

It would also appear that relations between Samara and the prince are even worse than between their respective fathers and there are dark rumors about just how she was brought from Braavos —not willingly, it would appear—and what may have happened on the way to Dorne. The only thing that is certain is that since her arrival in Sunspear, she has given birth to twin children that are widely assumed to have been fathered by the prince, though she has refused—even in the face of the prince’s insistence—to confirm this.

Notable Events

Samara’s presence in Sunspear was revealed on day 12 of month 12 in the year 161 AL, during the feast for the former hostages to celebrate their return to Dorne.

On day 2 of month 7 in the year 162 AL, Samara gave birth to twin children, later named Oberyn and Roxana.

Social & Political Affiliations

As Ser Mavros’s bastard daughter, one might suspect that Samara is a pawn in whatever game the clever knight might have in mind. Yet, it would appear that in refusing to confirm Prince Rhodry as the father of her children she is not acting in accordance with her sire’s wishes.

Significant Relations

Samara has made few friends at court during her time in Sunspear, though for a while she was seen in the company of Ser Tamlyn Toland with some regularity.

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