Blood of Dragons

The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' MUSH


King’s Landing Tourney (Day 5)
IC Date: Day 20 of Month 6, 159 AC.
RL Date: March 13, 2008.

The fifth day saw one of the most complex and exciting of tournaments, as a challenger who was defeated in the lists received a second opportunity to continue. Sixteen knights in total competed in the list. First and foremost was Aemon the Dragonknight, who drove the famous young Dornish knight Tamlyn Toland from the saddle in his first joust. Ser Aidan Dayne, the Knight of the Twilight who had come so close to the prize two days earlier, fought and defeated Ser Axell Farman. Ser Victor Reyne, heir to Castamere, defeated the larger of the two Twins of the Crossing, Ser Halder. The Iron Serpent, Ser Dagur Saltcliffe, took a match from Ser Benedict Rogers, the son of Arson the Bastard. Seth Blackwood defeated Ser Jossart Vaith after a hard fought match. Ser Jaesin Lannister, the heir to Casterly Rock and a good friend to the Dragonknight, then defeated the bold Ser Ondryn Waters. This was followed by Lord Manfred Dondarrion and Ser Janden Melcolm, who unseated the Dondarrion lord to advance. Finally, Ser Corrent Gargalen faced Ser Aberyn Crane, who fell to the Dornishman.

Following this, those who lost competitions continued among the other defeated. Ser Tamlyn defeated Ser Axell, Ser Halder defeated Ser Beendict, Ser Ondryn unseated the luckless Vaith knight, and Ser Aberyn succeeded in defeating the Lord of Blackhaven. The contests continued among the winners, as Prince Aemon shattered a lance agains the Knight of the Twilight, who was unhorsed, and Ser Victor Reyne managed to shock everyone be defeating the ironborn Dagur Saltcliffe. Ser Jaesin drove Seth Blackwood from the saddle with tremendous force, so much so that Blackwood forfeited further matches. In the final contest of the round, Ser Janden defeated the immovable Ser Corrent after a hard effort.

Then it was the two Dornishmen against one naother, Tamlyn and Corrent, and Tamlyn eventually took the victory. Ser Halder of House Frey continued on without a contest, after Blackwood’s forfeiture, and the Iron Serpent defeated Ser Ondryn Waters. So, too, did the Knight of the Twilight win against Ser Aberyn Crane to lead towards a promising match between the two worthy knights. When Prince Aemon met Ser Victor Reyne, he unseated the westerlands heir, just as the heir to Casterly Rock did to Ser Janden in turn.

Then the lists saw a rare pair of combats, as Ser Jaesin challenged the Dragonknight in the lists, while Ser Aidan and Ser Dagur did the same. Whereas Lannister and Targaryen fought for seven courses, breaking many lances between them, Ser Dagur and Ser Aidan swiftly unhorsed one another at the same time. It was decreed they would fight on foot until one would yield, and it was a lusty battle between two swordsmen of rare quality. The Iron Serpent was forced back step by step by the Knight of the Twilight, who sought to pin him against on the fences. Even as the Dragonknight succeeded in at last forcing Jaesin Lannister to ground, Ser Dagur rallied and used his great strength and weight to win back from being briefly disarmed. Shoving his shield at the shorter, lighter knight, he nearly knocked Aidan from his feet before recovering his sword and then unleashing hammerblows that kept the Dornishman unbalanced. The crowd roared for victory, and out of excitement to have seen such skill in arms in the joust and on foot, and when Ser Dagur found an opening that drove Ser Aidan to his knees and led him to shout his surrender, it was sheer pandemonium.

In the meantime, almost forgotten, Ser Halder faced Ser Victor Reyne, and the two fought boldly until Frey proved victorious. Ser Dagur soon had to face another knight, Ser Janden, whom he defeated in turn. Last of all, Saltcliffe fought against the Twin of the Crossing, only to find himself flung from the saddle by a well-placed pass from Ser Halder, who went on to face—and then be defeated by, after nearly unhorsing him—Ser Jaesin Lannister.

With his victory, Ser Jaesin had clawed his way back to the chance of once again challenging his friend. But Ser Jaesin gallantly forfeited, on the belief that Aemon’s earlier victory proved he was the day’s champion. Receiving the gold and the crown of queen of love and beauty from King Daeron, he did as he always did and deliver it directly to his sister, Princess Naerys. The crowd was joyful beyond all measure, for no knight seems more beloved than Prince Aemon the Dragonknight.