Blood of Dragons

The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' MUSH


The Death of a Killer
IC Date: Day 19 of Month 11, 163 AC
RL Date: July 20, 2012.

Nearly two months had passed since King Baelor had decreed that the murderer Quenton Rosby would be transported to a septry near Saltpans, famous for the brothers who minister to women and children and those in need. The arrangements took time to make, including a wheelhouse with bars on its doors and an escort of a dozen gold cloaks, personally selected by Ser Richard Harte, the commander of the City Watch. It would be a long, slow journey thanks to the wheelhouse, but the king insisted that Rosby travel in comfort. And so, too, did the king insist that two septons would accompany him, to pray for his soul and provide spiritual comfort.

When all was ready, the wheelhouse departed before dawn, for there was fear that the Kingslanders might make a spectacle of it if it was done in the light of day, or even riot. The journey progressed.

And it came to its end. The gold cloaks and have the septon returned, and so too the wheelhouse: but no Quenton Rosby… not now, nor ever. At first they reported solely to Ser Richard, and he in turn took it to the Hand. The matter might have reached the ear of the king quietly, but for the septons. Those two holy men told the senior septons at Visenya’s Hill, and as it climbed up to the ears of the High Septon, it also worked its way down and out among acolytes, among regular visitors to the sept, and so into the streets and beyond:

Quenton Rosby was dead, the murderer hanged by his own hand after having spent much of the journey raving and screaming. Some say he hanged himself when the Quiet Isle, the name of the septry, came into view, and others say it was when they passed a group of beggars on the road, former whores of King’s Landing all who had been put out of the city at the king’s command because of Rosby’s predations and the king’s fear for their immortal souls thanks to their sins. The king heard of it before the Hand himself had fully discussed the matter and waited the result of Ser Richard’s investigation—after all, how was he able to contrive a means of hanging himself, when Viserys had asked Ser Richard to make sure that the wheelhouse would provide no opportunities for either escape or self harm?—and it is said King Baelor did a rare thing, calling together the small council to discuss, for a time, what happened.

Afterward, the king sent for the High Septon, and there are those who say that even now he prays in the royal sept for Ser Quenton Rosby despite the murders he had committed, and others say that the king has asked the Most Devout to light three hundered and forty three candles for the now-dead killer, to be sure that no man could say that Baelor would have preferred the man dead.