The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore


1.5. The Rhoynar
  • Nymeria was a warrior queen who led her people across the narrow sea 1,000 years ago (I: 59. II: 233)
  • A story (probably false) has it that Nymeria led women who fled from their cities on the Rhoyne river (I: 203. SSM: 1)
  • Nymeria was the warrior queen of the Rhoyne who brought ten thousand ships to land in Dorne, taking Mors Martell as her husband and aiding him in vanquishing all rivals for the rule of Dorne (I: 690)
  • The Rhoynar influence led to the rulers of Dorne to style themselves "Prince" rather than "King" (I: 690)
  • Rhoynar law also led to lands and titles being passed to the eldest child, regardless of gender (I: 690)
  • It is said that the Dornishmen have warred against the Reach and Storm's End for a thousand years, which is likely dating from the unification of Dorne under Mors Martell and Nymeria (II: 233)
  • Beldecar's History of the Rhoynish Wars makes mention of elephants (III: 136)
  • There are three sorts of Dornishmen, as King Daeron I had observed. There are salty Dornishmen who live along the coasts, lithe and dark with smooth olive skin and long black hair; sandy Dornishmen who live in the deserts and the long river valleys, who are even darker, faces burned brown by the hot Dornish sun; and stony Dornishmen who live in the passes and heights of the Red Mountains, the biggest and fairest, sons of the Andals and the First Men, brown-haired or blond with faces that freckled or burned in the sun (III: 430)
  • Rhoynish influence in Dornish customs gives a special status to mistresses, or paramours as they name them, that places them above mistresses in the rest of the Seven Kingdoms but beneath wives (III: 431. SSM: 1)
  • Prince Garin the Great is called the wonder of the Rhoyne. It's said he made Valyria tremble, leading an army of a quarter of a million men strong against them, but he and his followers were destroyed (IV: 299)
  • The orphans of the Greenblood are considered Rhoynar in Dorne. When Nymeria wed Mors Martell, she ordered the boats that carried them across the narrow sea burned so that they would know there was no going back. Those Rhoynar who wept at the thought of never seeing Mother Rhoyne again hammered boats out of the burned hulks and became the orphans of the Greenblood (IV: 306)
  • The Rhoynar worshipped the great Rhoyne river, calling it their Mother. There were lesser gods as well, such as the turtle-god known as the Old Man of the River, Mother Rhoyne's son. The Old Man of the River fought the Crab King for dominion of those who dwelled below the water (IV: 306)
  • There is bad blood between the Fowlers and the Yronwoods since the Fowlers chose Martell over Yronwood during Nymeria's War (IV: 594)
  • The Seven-Pointed Star refers to the Smith making suits of iron plates for the sons of Hugor of the Hill. It is claimed in Essos that the Andals learned iron-working from the Rhoynar who dwelt along the river (V: 80)
  • The Rhoyne lies between the Dothraki Sea and the Flatlands (V: 80)
  • On leaving the Flatlands, a road leads into the Velvet Hills and to the ruin of the Rhoynish city of Ghoyan Drohe upon the Little Rhoyne (V: 81)
  • Ghoyan Drohe was razed by Valyria and its dragons (V: 81)
  • Rhoynish customs impacted Dorne in a number of ways, especially in the rights of women, but it did not extend to women taking active part in battles (SSM: 1)
  • The Rhoynar brought various old gods with them, but they have largely disappeared and been replaced by the Faith of the Seven (SSM: 1)
  • The Martells name themselves prince or princess after the Rhoynar custom. The Rhoynar rulers of the various cities along the Rhoyne river followed the same convention (SSM: 1)
  • There is a stigma attached to homosexuality everywhere in the Seven Kingdoms, save in Dorne (SFC)