The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore

Concordance The Webbers of Coldmoat
  • In 211, House Webber was ruled by the Red Widow, young Lady Rohanne (born around 186), who had a dark reputation and had conflicted with her neighbor, Ser Eustace Osgrey of Standfast, in the past (TSS: 85-86, 118)
  • Control of the Chequy Water was granted to House Webber following the Blackfyre Rebellion (TSS: 86)
  • House Webber had at least 20 knights in its service, as well as a number of squires, archers, and other troops, in 211 (TSS: 88)
  • The Red Widow was alleged by some to have poisoned three of her four husbands and to have had a hand in the early deaths of the five or six brothers she had had (TSS: 92, 107)
  • Lord Rowan of Goldengrove is liege lord to House Webber (TSS: 92)
  • Lord Wyman Webber was the Red Widow's father. His cousin, Wendell, married Lord Rowan's sister, and they had a number of sons and daughters by 211 (TSS: 92, 105, 123)
  • Coldmoat was once the seat of the Osgreys, and was raised by Lord Perwyn Osgrey, known as Perwyn the Proud (TSS: 104-105)
  • Lord Reynard ruled Coldmoat before Lord Wyman (TSS: 105)
  • Addam Osgrey served as a page and then as a squire at Coldmoat, and a certain fondness grew between him and Lord Wyman's daughter. When his father proposed a marriage between them, however, the Lord of Coldmoat refused him (TSS: 105, 130)
  • Ser Lucas Inchfield, a knight in the service of the Webbers, served as castellan for Lord Wyman and the Red Widow. He was called the Longinch, for his great height (TSS: 105-106)
  • The Red Widow had two children, a boy and a girl, who died in the cradle, but it was claimed that she had had no children at all, while others claimed that when she gave birth, a demon carried the babies off to the Lord of the Seven Hells, for which he'd repay her by teaching her his black arts (TSS: 107, 123)
  • Coldmoat lies west of Standfast. The shortest route between them is the west path which extends from Standfast, but it is little used by 211 (TSS: 110)
  • Wat's Wood once extended as far as Coldmoat, but dwindled over the centuries. The Webbers cleared it from their side of the Chequy Water so as to make pasturage (TSS: 112-113)
  • The Chequy Water marks the border between the Webber lands and the Osgrey lands (TSS: 113-114)
  • Coldmoat is some half a dozen hours ride from Standfast (TSS: 114)
  • Coldmoat is a modest castle, with crenellated outer walls thirty feet high and towers at each corner half again the height of Standfast (TSS: 114)
  • Coldmoat takes its name from the moat that encloses it (TSS: 115)
  • Coldmoat's main gate is arched, and bears the weathered sigil of the Osgreys who raised it (TSS: 115)
  • Coldmoat's entrance is protected by drawbridge, a spiked iron portcullis, and a murder hole (TSS: 115)
  • Coldmoat's moat is more than six feet deep (TSS: 115)
  • Coldmoat's outer ward contains a kennel, a smithy, and a seven-sided sept with leaded glass windows (TSS: 115)
  • Septon Sefton was Lady Rohanne's good-brother by way of her marriage to her third husband, Ser Simon Staunton, who choked to death on a chicken bone (TSS: 116, 120, 123)
  • The simple Lady Helicent was Lady Rohanne's good-sister by way of her brother, Ser Rolland Uffering, who was Lady Webber's fourth husband. He died during the Great Spring Sickness (TSS: 117-118, 122-124)
  • Lady Rohanne was 10 and her first husband, Lord Wyman's squire, was 12 years old when he died on the Redgrass Field (TSS: 118)
  • Besides Ser Lucas Inchfield, who was charged by Lord Wyman to protect Lady Rohanne from unworthy suitors and who has taken that to mean all of them, the Red Widow's suitors include the impoverished Ser Simon Leygood, the pretty but craven Ser Cleyton Caswell, and Ser Gerold Lannister (TSS: 123-124)
  • Lady Rohanne was 13 when she wed her second husband, who was 54 years old and died within months of the marriage before his next name day. She gave him a son 6 months after he was buried, but the child died within 3 days (TSS: 125)
  • The Webbers have twenty times the smallfolk under their rule than the Osgreys have under theirs (TSS: 127)
  • Coldmoat's lands sustain crops of wheat, barley, and corn, as well as a half dozen orchards containing apples, apricots, and three types of pears. Besides that, the lands can support five hundred sheep and a number of other livestock, including cattle and fine horses (TSS: 127)
  • House Webber controlled the Horseshoe Hills in 211 (TSS: 128, 149)
  • House Webber were granted control over the Chequy Water after the Blackfyre Rebellion, from the Horseshoe Hills in which it rises to the Leafy Lake (TSS: 128-130)
  • House Webber was also granted the right to hunt all the red deer, rabbits, and boar in Wat's Wood, as well as to take twenty trees a year from it. These rights would revert to the crown if Ser Eustace Osgrey died without an heir, as would Standfast itself (TSS: 130-131)
  • Wat's Wood was set ablaze in 211, during a dispute between Lady Rohanne and Ser Eustace Greyjoy of Standfast. Neither side claimed responsibility (TSS: 139, 145)
  • The mill on Coldmoat's lands was six leagues to the west of the castle (TSS: 140)
  • Lord Stackhouse coveted the Horseshoe Hills (TSS: 149)
  • In 211, Ser Clifford Conklyn had an old claim to Leafy Lake (TSS: 149)
  • The Durwells allegedly plagued the Webber lands by stealing cattle (TSS: 149)
  • The conflict between the Osgreys and the Webbers was resolved following a trial by combat between their respective champions, Ser Duncan the Tall and Ser Lucas Inchfield. Ser Duncan proved the victor, and afterwards Ser Eustace and Lady Rohanne reconciled and wed one another (TSS: 153-155)