The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore


10.2. The Martells
  • The Martells style themselves "Princes" (I: 690)
  • The proper name of the house is Nymeros Martell, to signify the union of Nymeria with Mors Martell. This is generally simplified in usage, however. (I: 691. III: 432. SSM: 1)
  • The Martells are believed to be able to field fifty thousand Dornishmen (II: 240)
  • Children from all ranks and areas of Dorne, and some from outside Dorne, live and play together at the Water Gardens. The youngest are five, the oldest no more than 9 or 10. They are divided equally between boys and girls (IV: 30, 32, 37)
  • There might be thirty guardsmen at the Water Gardens when the Prince is in residence (IV: 37)
  • The Martells appoint a lord treasurer (IV: 196, 723)
  • A ruling princess of Dorne never takes the name of her consort. Some of the noble houses of Dorne follow them in this custom (SSM: 1)
  • Nymeros indicates "of the line of Nymeria" and is used by both male and female Martells (SSM: 1)