The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore


House Bracken of the Stone Hedge

A red stallion upon a golden escutcheon on brown

General Information

The Brackens are one of the chief houses of the riverlands. The Brackens have been feuding with the Blackwoods for nearly a hundred years after Lord Quentyn Blackwood was killed during a melee by Ser Otho Bracken, called the Brute of Bracken. Lord Jonos Bracken currently rules the house.


The Stone Hedge was razed by Lannister troops during the recent warfare that has swept the Seven Kingdoms after King Robert’s death. Lord Jonos was wounded in the fighting about his ruined castle and his nephew (who may have been his heir) Hendry was slain. The Bastard of Bracken (relation to Lord Jonos unclear) was also killed in the course of the war. When news of the Red Wedding spread, Lord Bracken was among the riverlords who cut his banners and was pardoned by King Tommen. The Brackens were left fighting the Blackwoods, who remained loyal, around Raventree.