The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore


House Cassel

Ten white wolf heads, 4-3-2-1, on grey with a black border (© RMB)

General Information

The Cassels are household knights sworn to the Starks in Winterfell. Ser Rodrik Cassel, an old knight, is master-at-arms at Winterfell. He has only one daughter, young Beth. Jory Cassel, Ser Rodrik’s nephew and the captain of the household guard of Winterfell, is the son of Martyn Cassel, one of Lord Eddard Stark’s companions to the Tower of Joy who died there. Martyn fathered three other sons besides Jory, yet none of them lived to reach manhood.


Jory Cassel was slain by Ser Jaime Lannister’s guards in King’s Landing after the Kingslayer confronted Lord Eddard about Lady Catelyn’s abduction of his brother, Tyrion Lannister.

Ser Rodrik was made castellan at Winterfell after returning there from Moat Cailin after escorting Lady Catelyn to King’s Landing. He was slain by the treacherous Ramsay Snow outside the walls of the castle. His daughter Beth is likely to be still alive, removed to the Dreadfort with the other women and children in Winterfell.