
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Artisans 03: Screencap 13

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Here’s two of the clearest shots we’ve seen: Catelyn Stark’s gown and a design for Lord Eddard Stark.

Catelyns’ gown as seen here seems to be quite similar to what Michelle Fairley is wearing here. The most notable changes are that the hints of red in the drawing—which, combined with the blue, seems a clear connection to her Tully origins—have disappeared, and the addition of fur to a wide (but less extravagantly log) sleeve. Assuming these are the same design, as seen between conception and final product, it looks like a deliberate decision was made to more firmly establish Catelyn as belonging to the North in a visual way.

Eddard’s outfit is massive, and with that ducal crown he certainly looks almost a king. Of course, only kings and queens wear crowns in the novels, and Eddard is not one of the crowned heads of the Seven Kingdoms. Besides this, we like the massive, almost ceremonial cloak he wears with the high, fur collar. We’re supposing this may have been an initial design for how Eddard might dress when greeting the royal family, or perhaps for the feast afterwards, but it’s also possible that this design has not been kept. Certainly, we’ve seen nor heard any sign of it, although the idea of a thick, heavy fur collar seems to have survived in the cloak Ned wears here.

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