
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Watch Inside Game of Thrones

Here’s the streamable video, provided by HBO over at Making Game of Thrones:

Much as we suspected, this 10 minute piece featured both some new footage and a lot of what would be considered recap for dyed-in-the-wool fans. However, this gave us plenty of opportunity to hear from the producers and actors (including some we haven’t yet glimpsed with the production, such as Joe Dempsie, who plays Gendry), and to see copius amounts of new footage. It’s hard to believe that we’re now looking at the wrap of filming in two weeks, and the first airing little more than four or so months away!

We’ll be posting our screen caps and commentary as soon as we can, though we doubt we’ll be able to finish it tonight (remember, we’re in Europe!) That said, we should soon have a few pieces up in the Previews section of Westeros’s Game of Thrones Gallery.
