
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Maester’s Path: 2nd Puzzle

It’s gone live, and it features heraldry! Very pleased with this one, which is a “spatial audio experience” that moves you through the Inn at the Crossroads as you unravel a story and get hints towards where the various coats of arms should be placed.

Some hints:

  • Notice the floor—the tree of arms is there, with each branch leading to a different table.
  • Listen carefully at each station. Each one can give a hint about what region goes to what branch. They may clearly refer to one region, or they may refer to one of the sigils which can then tell you what region goes there.
  • One of the hints is very important, because it associates a specific sigil to a very specific place. If you don’t place it there, you won’t solve the puzzle, even if you have it in the right branch. There is only one sigil that has to be placed that particularly. The other two branches, it only matters that you have the correct sigils for each of them.
  • Sigils from four different regions are present, but only three regions are ever mentioned at all in the audio (directly or indirectly).
  • Heraldry matters. Figure out which sigils belong to each region, and remember, one of the regions is a red herring.
  • Great fun, and great work by Campfire and HBO!