
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


HBO Decision by March

According to Padraig, a long-time member of the A Song of Ice and Fire forum and the Brotherhood without Banners fan organization, at the Belfast event George R.R. Martin stated the it’s expected that HBO will decide on whether to go forward with a series by March. This fits information we’ve received previously.

Jackie also adds a note on the recent dialogue coach news. She indicated concern that the Starks would speak with bad Scottish accents, but has been assured she won’t be disappointed. She also remarks that Richard Madden, who plays Robb Stark, started the shoot with a brighter shade of auburn hair, but in the course of the shoot the producers decided to darken it down. We previously had reports that Jennifer Ehle as Catelyn Stark was also quite “ginger”, so it may be that she and the rest of her children have all gone through a similar hair coloring process.
