
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


New Game of Thrones Teaser

We had a hint that there’d be something new to tease the upcoming season of Game of Thrones, though it’d be in the vein of the very earliest teases, just whetting the appetite. Turns out that was about right, as there’s this nicely atmospheric teaser featuring a three-eyed crow

raven flying through a modern city, letting us know that Game of Thrones is returning this March to the tune of The National’s rendition of “The Rains of Castamere” (available on the official soundtrack for season 2):

Seems very likely that the first big teaser for season 3 will have to wait until later this month (or, perhaps more likely, next month—perhaps in time with the premiere of the BBC/HBO co-production Parade’s End, featuring Benedict Cumberbatch?)
