
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Art and Art and Art

There’s be a terrific surge in the possibilties for those interested in seeing more “A Song of Ice and Fire” art, thanks to Mike S. Miller sharing his designs for the Testors miniature wargame line at Firebrand Fantasy Art. On top of that, Mike is open to taking commissions, and has already done two pieces which can be seen in his commissions gallery (where more information about commissioning him can be found).

Beyond that, the terrific Jenny Dolfen (aka GoldSeven), whose ASoIaF art has graced our fanart gallery, has also announced that she’s available for commissions in this thread at the A Song of Ice and Fire Board.

It’s a good time for Ice and Fire fans with a yen to see their favorite characters rendered by top-notch artists.
