
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Another Taste of the World of Ice and Fire

No, not our excerpt—that’s for Wednesday—but instead you can see some of the updated sample pages that the publishing site Above the Tree Line now features for The World of Ice and Fire (Pre-order: Amazon US, Amazon UK).

The updated page reveals more of the beautiful art… and reveals the table of contents for the first time. While it doesn’t reveal the full break down of pages devoted to each section, it should give a real sense of the sort of information that will be contained herein. Lots of stuff about far eastern lands, a great deal about the Targaryens, substantial information on the various regions of the Seven Kingdoms before the Conquest, and so on. It’s been a great pleasure and privilege for Linda and I to have been a part in it, and we hope everyone will enjoy it when it hits shelves in October!
