
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


2013 Calendar Artist

George R.R. Martin has just announced that plans are already under way for the 2013 A Song of Ice and Fire calendar, with French artist Marc Simonetti—known by fans for some of his beautiful covers for the French editions of the series—set to provide the art. An example of his art can be seen below. As we posted yesterday, the 2012 calendar by John Picacio is available for pre-order, and GRRM notes that Picacio has fully completed eight of twelve pieces, with two nearly complete and two at a rough stage.

In other, interesting news, George mentions that there are discussions at HBO to possibly create a Game of Thrones calendar which would feature photography of actors, scenes, locales, and the like.

Greyjoy’s castle, ASOIAF… by *MarcSimonetti on deviantART
