
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Dance Update and New Miniature

GRRM has a couple of updates at “Not a Blog” today. First, he has an intriguing post about Skull Island, which happens to be the fictional place where King Kong is found. Kong, of course, is his term for A Dance with Dragons. Reading into his remarks there, it seems that presently he has one POV nearly complete, another being troublesome, and one more beyond that to write. Does this mean it stands at three chapters left to call it done, with one nearly complete? That seem to be the case, but as we know, difficult chapters have sometimes only be resolved by splitting them up, or going back and rewriting other chapters to provide a new approach, so we’ll have to wait and see.

The other item is a new miniature from Dark Sword Miniatures and Tom Meier, this one featuring Maester Luwin. Of particular note, GRRM points out that the rendition of Luwin’s chain is very near to his own intention (Grand Maester Pycelle’s chain is much more elaborate, being multiple chains woven together and ornamented). As we’ve noted about the Game of Thrones TV series, they’ve gone in quite a different direction, with a very long necklace with great, wide loops of metal making up its length.

Finally, for those who use Twitter, George has given us permission to directly feed his “Not a Blog” RSS feed to Twitter via westerosorg. If you don’t use an RSS reader and Twitter is your primary source for notifications about updates, feel free to follow us and keep an eye open for the tweets, which will use the #notablog tag.
