
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Limited Feast for Crows Update

As reported previously Bill of Subterranean Press has been posting on the board regarding the limited editions of the “A Song of Ice and Fire” series. He’s just posted an early exclusive for the board which collectors should find very interesting:

A Feast for Crows
By George R. R. Martin
(not yet published—preorder)

Illustrated by Tom Canty

Limited: $260
Lettered: $395

Buy a matching numbered set of A Storm of Swords and A Feast for Crows: $520

Later this year, we will release the limited edition of A Feast for Crows, the fourth volume of George R. R. Martins A Song of Ice and Fire series. As with Storm, we will be breaking Feast into two volumes, to make it easier to handle and to read.

Tom Canty has nearly completed the illustrations, which will include:

—roughly 70 black and white interior illustrations, including chapter heads and tails, full page illustrations, and black and white vignettes
—different dust jackets for each of the two volumes in the set.
—time and artist intent permitting, the endsheets for these volumes will consist of an original map(s)
—three full-color interior illustrations will appear in the limited edition, with an extra full-color piece exclusive to the lettered
—the slipcases will feature stamped artwork, one color on the limited edition, two colors for the lettered edition
—the lettered edition will also feature an original remarque, or small illustration, by Tom Canty on the signature page

For A Storm of Swords, we created a special set of bookmarks for those who preordered early. In the case of A Feast for Crows, the bonus item for ordering prior to January 31, 2007 will be an original chapbook of some of Tom Canty’s rough sketches (and some of the finished art that grew out of the roughs).

In addition, we have made arrangements to secure ten of the original pieces of art, and will raffle them off to those who place their orders during the month of January or February.

In order to lock in your number of Feast, we need to receive your order no later than the end of February, 2007. After that point, all numbers or letters not yet prepaid will be opened to the general public. Please mention your copy number or letter in the comments section of the order form when placing your order.

Regular updates on A Feast for Crows will appear in our email newsletter.

Limited: 448 signed numbered hardcover copies, in slipcase:
Lettered: 52 signed copies, housed in a custom slipcase, with artist remarque:

Please note: a shipping charge of $15 applies to US orders for this title. Overseas will be figured individually. This title not eligible for any specials, coupons, or savings certificates.

Collectors note: We have a very limited number of copies of A Storm of Swords left. You may buy a matching set of Storm and Feast, with Storm shipping now, and Feast when available. Fewer than 15 of these sets are available.
