Blood of Dragons

The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' MUSH


A Son is Born
IC Date: Day 14 of Month 11, 172 AC
RL Date: May 28, 2021.

A son! King Aegon, Fourth of His Name, has a new son! The bells of the royal sept were rung soon after the birth, and some few in the city below took it up. The king was not himself present for the birth—he was away hunting, or so the claim went, though there were whispers of his having stopped on the way of the city at the Street of Silk and simply had never left it—but a great swath of gifts were already at hand and prepared to be delivered, depending on the outcome of the birth (and the child’s gender). The mother, blessed with such fruitfulness, was gifted bolts of samite and cloth-and-gold, jewels (including choice jewels that had once belonged to Queen Daenaera), and more.

Of course…. the mother was not Queen Naerys, though her own belly has swollen with child and maesters and midwives attend on her closely as she has remained confined during the late stages of her pregnancy. No, the son is a natural one, borne by Lady Barba Bracken. Vivacious and youthful, the birth was as easy as it can be for a first-time mother, and already she has had a string of visitors from lords and ladies at the court currying favor. Her lord father, the Hand of the King, has often been present when she has held audience, the babe at a midwife’s teat as the courtiers come to congratulate her.

As to the boy, he is a robust and lively infant, and many remarked on his dark purple eyes. Some, too, noted his fine crop of hair for a newborn, though that is as black as his mother’s. Lady Barba had already named him by the time King Aegon paid her a visit, and she informed him that their son was named Aegor. Aegor Rivers, to be more precise, but that bastard name has yet to be spoken by the lady.