The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore

Concordance The Botleys of Lordsport
  • Lordsport is on Pyke (II: 126)
  • Above the village of Lordsport is the stronghold of House Botley. Originally the stronghold had been of timber and wattle, but Robert Baratheon had razed it to the ground. Lord Sawane rebuilt in stone, making a small square keep crowning the hill overlooking the village (II: 126)
  • Lordsport was also burned by Robert Baratheon's forces during the putting down of the rebellion (II: 126)
  • The old sept of Lordsport was destroyed in the rebellion, but it was never rebuilt (II: 126)
  • Lordsport's town is half the size of Lord Hewett's Town on Oakenshield (IV: 434)