The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore


Ser Harras Harlaw of Grey Garden

Quartered: a silver scythe on black, a peacock on cream (© RMB)

General Information

Ser Harras, called the Knight, is a cousin of Lord Rodrik Harlaw and his heir. His seat is named Grey Garden. His mother is of House Serret, and he wields a storied Valyrian steel sword named Nightfall.


Ser Harras fought seven duels in succession against knights of House Grimm. He killed five, with the other two yielding. When the seventh was defeated, Lord Grimm’s septon declared it was a sign from the gods and convinced them to surrender the castle. Later, King Euron Greyjoy granted Greyshield and its castle at Grimston to Harras Harlaw, raising him to lordship.