
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Tie-in Cover Art Unveiled

We’ve previously reported the fact that both the U.S. and U.K. publishers of George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” have planned to re-release A Game of Thrones with a tie-in cover featuring a photo or photos from HBO’s series. Well, it looks like we’ve now gotten our glimpse at the U.S. re-release cover from Bantam Spectra, as you can see in this promotional PDF from the publisher. The cover—to be released in trade and mass market paperback—features Daenerys and her silver, the very first Daenerys image HBO ever released. This is marked in the PDF as “For Solicitation Only”, which implies it’s possible that it won’t necessarily be the final art—and Random House has just confirmed that it’s a placeholder. But where’s this image without the solicitation mark from? Hrm…

Some other interesting details:

  • It seems that some point HBO was mooting April 24th as the premiere date, as that’s what this PDF presently says.
  • Paperbacks of the further novels in the series are being released with a banner on top citing the HBO series.
  • The document indicates Random House (parent of Bantam Spectra) intends a full-court PR press, including television spots.
  • HBO has advised Random House of a “multi-million dollar” marketing campaign in the run up to the April 17th premiere of the series.
  • The re-release is due for March 22nd.

Tip of the hat to Olaf for the pointer!
