
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Amazon UK Opens DVD / BluRay Preorders

Those who’ve been waiting patiently for Amazon UK to allow preordering of the Game of Thrones season 1 DVD and BluRay sets have seen their patience rewarded, as the DVD boxset and Blu-Ray boxset are now listed.

Interestingly, while other regional retailers are saying the date is March 19th for the release in the U.K., Amazon itself is pegging it at March 5th. Much like the Amazon US BluRay, the UK BluRay edition come with an exclusive bonus disc, “Creating the Visuals”, which covers VFX for the series. Of course, HBO US has its own bonus disc for direct orders through their store, while we’ve heard another UK retailer, Play.com, is offering an exclusive photobook.

So, pick your poison as far as what bonus exclusive sounds the most interesting to you!
