
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Inside Straight Giveaway

Over at the Cheese Magnet blog, John Jos. Miller—writer and fellow Wild Cards-collaborator with George R.R. Martin and the rest of the Consortium—has an fun post discussing sexed-up, vintage pulp magazine covers. Of interest to fans of GRRM is that at the end he offers up a chance to win a first edition copy of Inside Straight, the first of the newest Wild Cards trilogy, signed by at least several of the participants, for the first person to identify which of three men is him in a personal photo in 1974. He promises a chance at a consolation prize for one of the runner-ups.

Inside Straight contains stories from a number of authors, including GRRM, Carrie Vaughn, Daniel Abraham, Melinda Snodgrass, Caroline Spector, and more.
