
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Game of Thrones Game Returns This Week

The latest episode of the Game of Thrones game from Telltale Games is just around the corner, with a release date of July 21st on PC, Mac, and Playstation 3-4, XBox versions on the 22nd, and iOS/Android on the 23rd.

Titled “A Nest of Vipers”, the episode looks to feature pit-fighting action with Asher, young Lady Mira visiting Tyrion Lannister in his cell, and a significant amount of Ramsay Bolton’s nastiness. And speaking of Asher, an image released by Telltale Games serves as a bit of a spoiler regarding where his story takes him…


Although it’s certainly to be expected that Asher will eventually make it back to the North to try and help his family, this is the first clear sign that that’s where Telltale is actually taking his story. Other than the fact that this emphasizes the smallness of the setting as depicted on the game (and on the show), we’re actually somewhat surprised by the fact that they went the conventional, expected direction with this. It will be interesting to see how it ultimately plays out in the sixth and final episode, titled “The Ice Dragon”.