
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Editor Interview and a Sixth Printing

Over at Suvudu, there’s an informative and interesting interview with the U.S. editor of A Dance with Dragons, Anne Groell concerning the novel and the series. The fact that the editors do actively play a role in shaping the novel is something that some people may be unaware of, or may choose to doubt because they have notions that a “big author” doesn’t get edited, and Anne sets that straight. We do wonder what it is that she learned about The Winds of Winter that has her so excited…

On top of that, GRRM recently revealed that A Dance with Dragons has gone into its sixth hardcover printing, and that’s before it’s even released on July 12th—clearly, demand is outstripping supply, and Bantam’s playing catch-up!

Want to add to their problems? Pre-order the book at Amazon.com: US, UK, Audio US, Audio UK
