The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore


House Stokeworth of Stokeworth

A white lamb holding a golden goblet on green (© RMB)

General Information

Stokeworth lies north of King’s Landing and is among the houses that lies nearest to King’s Landing. Their motto is, “Proud to Be Faithful.” Lady Tanda Stokeworth rules there, her heir apparently being her shrewish elder daughter Falyse. Her younger daughter is Lollys, an obese and slow-witted 33-year-old.


Lollys was a maiden until recently, when she was brutually raped by a gang of rioters in King’s Landing after the Princess Myrcella was sent on her way to Sunspear. She has since concieved of a child and has been promised in marriage to Ser Bronn of the Blackwater. Falyse’s marriage to Ser Balman Byrch is a barren one, in part due to Ser Balman preferring virgins and shunning her bed.