
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Submitting a Site

Sites which are wholly or to a large part dedicated to A Song of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones are eligible for inclusion in our Links collection, provided that they also fit the requirements listed below. Simply fill out the form on this page, making sure that all fields (including a category selection) have been properly filled out. Please note that you do not need to be the webmaster of a site to submit it. After a successful submission, you will be sent back to the main Links page.

If you have any questions about the submissions process or any other aspect of the Links database, you can reach us at [email protected].


  • Following Mr. Martin's previous words on the subject in various forums, no fan fiction and no unauthorized role-playing games must be hosted, linked to, or otherwise referenced on the submitted website.
  • Appropriate copyright notices must be put in place wherever necessary, and the site must abide by copyright and trademark laws (no selling of unlicensed merchandise, no chaper-long excerpts from any books, etc).


  • URL: Please enter this in the form http://url.
  • Short Description: Enter a brief description of the site, limited to 150 characters.
  • Description: This should be used for a fuller description of the site, if needed.
  • Language: This is a tag field. Multiple languages can be entered, but only one at a time. Please use the English version of the name of the language.
  • Categories: Pick the category that best represent the site.

As submissions will have to be reviewed manually, additions may take some time to show up on the site. If the link you submitted is not added, please double-check that the site meets the listed requirements.

Submission Form

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