
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Deluxe Inside Game and Thrones and More

November is turning into a bit of a boon for fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones, as there’s a number of cool items now available for fans who are interested in continuing to experience the show through various outlets. Most notably, of course, is the fact that the deluxe edition of Inside HBO’s Game of Thrones has been released… and in the US, at least, Amazon.com has an amazing deal60%

40% off!

And at that price, you’ll get not just Inside HBO’s Game of Thrones (you can read our review of it here), but also scrolled maps based on HBO’s version of the maps of the setting (which are in some ways quite different from The Lands of Ice and Fire), a gold-stamped case… and, perhaps most interestingly of all, a companion book containing season one and season two storyboards by artist Will Simpson, storyboards that promise to reveal scenes that were planned but never filmed, never made it to the screen, or made it to the screen in much-altered form. Truth be told, the price for the set is worth it just for this book alone.

We should have an interview with the writer of Inside HBO’s Game of Thrones, the always welcome Bryan Cogman, to provide his insights into the deluxe collection.

And of course, that’s not all that’s going on this month, even as Game of Thrones is winding down with its last few days in Iceland.