
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Three New Promos

People have been hoping for a third and final full length trailer ahead of the premiere of season 5 of Game of Thrones on April 12th, but it looks unlikely at this point. However, the powers that be at HBO have smiled down on eager fans and released not one but three new promo spots, shorter but with a handful of new glimpses of scenes that fans haven’t yet seen before. The first is called the Future Promo , featuring Littlefinger with some rather ironic words:

And the second is the Sinners Promo, featuring Jonathan Pryce’s zealous septon:

And finally, the Enemy Promo, which features only one new shot at the very start, we think:

Season 5 Titles Revealed

While Linda and I were out to Sweden’s beautiful capital of Stockholm for the Game of Thrones exhibit’s opening gala—more on that tomorrow, but there’ll be photos, possibly some video, and a few odds and ends—it looks like Spoiler TV scooped everyone (again—they often get ahold of these earlier than most) with the titles of the first four episodes of the highly-anticipated fifth season. We’ll put it below the cut, for those who want to avoid the possible spoilers inherent in the titles (as well as brief log lines for the first three episodes):