Blood of Dragons

The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' MUSH


Forms of Address

This guide covers how to properly address people of various ranks and occupations when roleplaying with them. Adopting the proper forms of address when interacting with other characters plays an important part in giving your roleplay a thematic feel.

Commoners without titles are often addressed by their superiors merely by their given name. More politely, they may be addressed as “goodman” or “goodwoman”, with their name optionally attached (in this case, it is capitalized). Those who are masters of guild crafts, such as armor-making, should be addressed as “master”, with their name optionally attached (in this case, it is capitalized).

Septons, Septas, Maesters, and Archmaesters are adressed by their title. The Grand Maester is generally addressed as “Grand Maester”, although “Maester” is acceptable in most cases.

The High Septon is called “His High Holiness” and may be referred to as “Your Holiness”. The High Septon does not use his given name once he assumes the office, and it is inappropriate to bring it up in conversation.

A knight who has no more significant title is generally addressed as “ser” or as “Ser <Name>”. Note that it is only capitalized when used with the name attached. A group of knights can be collectively referred to by, “sers”. This is never capitalized. A knight may also be referred to as, “my lord of <House>”.

All women of noble houses tend to be referred to with “lady” (not capitalized), even if they are not wives of ruling lords or ruling ladies themselves. They may be called “Lady <Name>”, though not “Lady <House>”, as this implies that they are the wife of a ruling lord or a ruling lady in their own right.

Male members of Houses who have no claims to titles may be referred to as “my lord of <House>”. For example, a young member of House Stark might be referred to as “my lord of Stark”. They may also be referred to as “my lord”. Even a knight might be referred to as “my lord” on occasion, especially if they are the head of a knightly house or equivalent.

Only those who have the right to the title of lord should be referred as “Lord <Name>” or as “Lord <House>”. This can include individuals who are granted the honor of styling themselves lords. Proper lords may also be referred to as “my lord of <House>”, which is particularly common when their servants are carrying out their business. For example: “I have been bid by my lord of Kenning to deliver this message.” Finally, a ruling lord may also be referred to as “my lord of <Seat>”; for example, “my lord of Highgarden”. They are never referred to as being synonymous with their House seat, as one finds in period literature; Eddard Stark is never addressed as “Winterfell”, for example.

Princes and princesses may be addressed as “my prince” or “my princess” or simply as “prince” or “princess”. They may also be addressed as “Prince <Name>” or “Princess <Name>”. Royal princes and princesses may also be referred to as “Your Grace”. Foreign princes and princesses tend to be addressed as “my lord” or “my lady”, however. Dornish princes seem to eschew the “Your Grace” language even among their own people.

Kings and queen can be addressed as “my king” or “my queen”, although this implies fealty to them, which is not necessarily always the case (e.g., a foreigner from the Free Cities). More commonly, they are addressed as “Your Grace”. They should not be addressed as “King <Name>” or “Queen <Name>”.