Blood of Dragons

The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' MUSH


The Dornish Rebellion

The Battle at Salt Shore
IC Date: Day 23 of Month 6, 161 AC
RL Date: March 15, 2010.

The Reachlords and Riverlords are trapped between a force in front of them and a force behind when they reach the Dornish keep of Salt Shore.

The Death of the Young Dragon
IC Date: Day 9 of Month 6, 161 AC.
RL Date: February 20, 2010.

Daeron's dream of conquest ends in blood spilled on the sands of Dorne.

“Rivers, Boars and Lions”
IC Date: Day 2 of Month 6, 161 AC
RL Date: February 13, 2010.

The alliance between Ser Burton and Ser Luthor grows as Ser Alek Reyne is taken into the fold.

Of Wine and Ambition
IC Date: Day 7 of Month 5, 161 AC
RL Date: January 19, 2010.

A bout of drinking to pass the time turns into the formation of an unlikely alliance.

No Mirage, This
IC Date: Day 5 of Month 5, 161 AC
RL Date: January 17, 2010.

The Dornish army turns to face the chasing royal force at a vital oasis, the source of the river Scourge

Feckless Knighthood
IC Date: Day 2 of Month 5, 161 AC
RL Date: January 14, 2010.

The Young Dragon considers charming Ser Jarwen for an important task, securing a watering place when the army marches through the desert.

Finding the Enemy
IC Date: Day 30 of Month 4, 161 AC
RL Date: January 12, 2010.

King Daeron requires knights to help locate the Dornish army, which has been keeping its position obscure.

Word of Salvation
IC Date: Day 22 of Month 4, 161 AC
RL Date: January 04, 2010.

The previous day's unexpected tidings prove to be hopeful indeed, once more information arrives at Sunspear.

Unexpected Tidings
IC Date: Day 21 of Month 4, 161 AC
RL Date: January 03, 2010.

Unexpected tidings from the Planky Town causes confusion and then hope in Sunspear.

A Bloody Sortie
IC Date: Day 19 of Month 4, 161 AC
RL Date: January 01, 2010.

The Sand Dog sorties out of Yronwood, breaking out of the siege despite the efforts of the king's men to stop them.

An Unpleasant Surprise in Dorne
IC Date: Day 16 of Month 4, 161 AC
RL Date: December 29, 2009.

The king's army reaches Yronwood, expecting to lift the siege ... and discovering to their surprise that the Dornishmen have seized the castle before he could arrive.

Danger in the Mountains
IC Date: Day 14 of Month 4, 161 AC
RL Date: December 27, 2009.

Concerned with the state of the situation about Yronwood, King Daeron consults certain knights.

Across the River
IC Date: Day 7 of Month 4, 161 AC
RL Date: December 20, 2009.

A rising flood gives King Daeron an unexpected -- and dangerous -- opportunity to force a desperate crossing.

What the King Surveys
IC Date: Day 6 of Month 4, 161 AC
RL Date: December 19, 2009.

The Young Dragon surveys the enemy holding the far bank of the river that cuts across the Boneway. Ser Alek Reyne advises him.

The Battle of the Rampart
IC Date: Day 23 of Month 3, 161 AC
RL Date: December 06, 2009.

The Dornish make a stand before an earthen rampart and dike they've made to block the king's progress down the Boneway. A furious battle follows. Afterwards, a surprising prisoner is recovered.