
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


Taking the Adaptation to Task: A TV Critic’s Perspective

We’ve only had one or two outside of contributions this year to our features section, so it was with great pleasure when Miodrag Zarković—a television critic for Serbia’s popular weekly magazine Pečat—contacted us and offered a lengthy consideration on the series to date, in English for an English-speaking audience. Bringing his knowledge of television and literature to bear, as well as his appreciation of the source material, Mr. Zarković shares his views with the readers of Westeros.org in an article titled, “An Adaptation Without Honor, or Adaptation Morghulis - This One’s Dead Already”.

As you can guess, he wasn’t a fan.

His trenchant commentary is not going to appeal to everyone, and there are points we ourselves would happily argue with him about, but his observations come from the heart, are built on a grounding in literary and television history that not everyone has, and some of the points raised seem very hard to argue with. In any case, it is an opinion we felt worth sharing with readers, to provide one unique, thought-provoking perspective from which to consider the adaptation.

(It goes without saying that should a fellow critic or television writer offer up a response or rebuttal, we would be pleased to link to it, or even to publish it on our site!)
