
The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain


June 2009

Needle Completed

Valyrian Steel has released a photo of the final prototype for Needle, their replica of Arya Stark’s small bravo’s sword. Having received GRRM’s go-ahead to mass produce the second weapon in their A Song of Ice and Fire replica series, pre-ordering should be opened sometime in the week.

GRRM on Current Progress

George R.R. Martin has shared some optimistic news, stating that the last six weeks have been the most productive on A Dance with Dragons in a year. He has completed three chapters to his satisfaction, and is guardedly hopeful that the forward progress will continue. He also hints that the situation in Meereen is a central problem that he has had difficulty with since 2005.

Suicide Kings Preview

On his official site, George R.R. Martin has posted a new excerpt from Wild Cards XX: Suicide Kings. Featuring the Ace known as Rustbelt, the excerpt is set in Africa. Also featured on the excerpt page is the prospective cover art by Michael Komarck.

Cyandie Holds RPG and RTS Rights for A Song of Ice and Fire

According to George R.R. Martin at his news page, Cyanide first approached him five years ago for the rights to his bestselling A Song of Ice and Fire series. While no initial agreement was made, GRRM is pleased to announce that an agreement has now been struck for RTS and RPG rights to be developed for next-generation consoles and computers. Cyanide will begin development immediately with an eye towards releasing the first game in the summer of 2011.

Songs of the Dying Earth Preview

Subterranean Press has published Lucius Shepard’s contribution to the George R.R. Martin & Gardner Dozois-edited anthology, Songs of the Dying Earth. As with the other works in the anthology, Shepard’s ” Sylgarmo’s Proclamation” is set in Jack Vance and his Dying Earth setting featuring a far-future earth where magic reigns as the last civilizations of the dying Earth lead decadent, strange lives beneath the great red glow of the expiring sun. Illustrated by Tom Kidd, the volume contains contributions from Neil Gaiman, Robert Silverberg, Tanith Lee, Dan Simmons, Tad Williams, George R. R. Martin, and many more notable authors.