The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore


2.3.1. Laws
  • The punishment for poaching is losing a hand (I: 3)
  • Taking the black is an alternative to criminal punishment (I: 3)
  • The punishment for oathbreaking is death (I: 12)
  • Wildlings are executed if caught south of the Wall (I: 12)
  • Slavery is illegal in the Seven Kingdoms. The punishment for enslaving a person is execution (I: 30)
  • Younger sons of the Great Houses would be bannermen to their elder brother, and hold small keeps in his name (I: 45)
  • The punishment for rape is castration, but taking the black is an alternative (I: 100)
  • The baseborn have few rights under the law, when it comes to claims (I: 267)
  • A king can put aside his queen and marry another (I: 289)
  • The highborn cannot be denied trials under the law (I: 351)
  • Trial by combat is allowed, and those who stand accused and make the accusations can have champions (I: 352)
  • The king or his Hand might hear disputes between rival holdfasts, petitions, and the adjudicating of the placement of boundary stones (I: 390)
  • Dornish law, in part based on the laws and customs of the Rhoynar, allow lands and titles to be passed to the eldest child, regardless of gender (I: 690. SSM: 1)
  • By law, only a trueborn son may inherit a knight's arms (THK: 487)
  • If a crime takes place far from King's Landing, and it is sufficiently important (such as the striking of one of royal blood), the judges shall be the heirs to the throne if available, the lord of the great house holding dominion in that area if available, and the lord on whose actual domains the crime happened (THK: 507)
  • For striking a Targaryen, no matter the circumstances, a man of lesser nobility will be tried and punished. The last time it happened, the man who did it lost his offending hand (THK: 507, 508)
  • An offended party can demand a trial of seven, another form of trial by combat (THK: 508, 509)
  • The trial of seven is seldom used, coming across with the Andals and their seven gods. The Andals believed that if seven champions fought on each side, the gods thus honored would be more likely to see justice done. If a man cannot find six others to stand with him, then he is obviously guilty (THK: 509)
  • There had not been a trial by seven in more than a hundred years in (HK) (THK: 516)
  • If the accused is killed in a trial of seven, it is believed that the gods have judged him guilty and the contest then ends. If his accusers are slain or withdraw their accusations, the contest ends and he is decreed innocent. Otherwise, all seven of one side must die or yield for the trial to end (THK: 521)
  • The Great Council is a rare event which has not been called in a hundred years, and is the gathering of the assembled lords of the kingdom to decide some matter. The last time it was convened, it choose the next king of the Seven Kingdoms, over-riding proper lines of inheritance to give the crown to the youngest son of Maekar I, Aegon V (II: 78, 366. SSM: 1)
  • Marriages can very well be completed between children, even babies or a baby to a young boy, especially if inheritances are the chief concern (II: 210)
  • A bastard may inherit if the father has no other trueborn children nor any other likely kin to follow him (II: 185)
  • If a house's succession is uncertain, a related kinsman might well be seen as the best choice to be heir. He would then take the House's name as his own, despite his father being of another house (II: 190)
  • Septons witness marriages for those who follow the Faith, and in those who follow the old gods the heart trees also serve the same use (II: 384)
  • Witnesses may be called upon to witness the bedding of a newly wedded couple. How far this witness duty goes is uncertain (II: 384)
  • Vows said at swordpoint are not valid (II: 384)
  • Marriage contracts can be broken (II: 388)
  • The punishment for theft is the loss of a hand (III: 5)
  • Being caught abed with another man's wife can lead to being sent to the Wall (III: 5)
  • Being caught smuggling by the sea watch about Dragonstone was death in the days of Aerys (III: 110)
  • The father of a child whose descent makes him heir to a noble's lands and titles can garner the title of Lord Protector (III: 222)
  • Lords have bailiffs to help them in keeping the peace, taking on such tasks as overseeing hangings (III: 247)
  • There have been no slaves in Westeros for thousands of years, for the old gods and the new alike hold slavery as an abomination (III: 264)
  • The king can dispose of a lady's hand, standing in her father's place, if her direct male kin are declared traitors (III: 317)
  • Iron cages in which criminals are placed to die from exposure and hunger are known as crow cages, due to the crows the dead bodies attract. Being left to die in a crow cage is a particularly harsh death, though lords can vary widely as to what crime merits such punishment (III: 328, 329. TSS: 79)
  • A marriage that has not been consumated can be set aside by the High Septon or a Council of Faith (III: 362)
  • Death has always been the penalty for treason (III: 407)
  • A bastard can inherit if he is legitimized by a royal decree (III: 521, 819)
  • Justice is said to belong to the throne (III: 735)
  • Trials, at least among the nobility, often begin with a prayer from a septon beseeching the Father Above to guide them towards justice (III: 740)
  • A septon will swear a man to honesty before he gives testimony at a trial (III: 741)
  • Bills of attainder can be signed by the king to strip lords of their lands and incomes (III: 818)
  • Not even the High Septon himself can declare a person married if they refuse to say the vows (III: 907)
  • Robbers, rapers, and murderers are among those criminals who might be executed (TSS: 79)
  • Lords in Westeros once had the right to the first night (the custom of bedding newlywed common women before their husbands), but Queen Alysanne convinced King Jaehaerys I to abolish it (TSS: 94)
  • Some lords ban smallfolk from keeping bows as an attempt to keep them from poaching (TSS: 95)
  • In ancient days, wrongful deaths could be addressed by the paying of a blood price, and in the Age of Heroes a man's life might be reckoned at being worth no more than a sack of silver (TSS: 104, 126)
  • A lord might use his will to lay out specific terms for the inheritance of his title and lands. For example, if his heir is a daughter without a husband, he might specify that she must wed by a certain time or the inheritance will pass to a cousin (TSS: 123)
  • Lords have the right of pit and gallow over their own lands, according to the king's law, while landed knights cannot exercise the same right without the leave of their liege lord (TSS: 127. SSM: 1)
  • Slitting a man's nostrils may be deemed a suitable punishment for injuring an innocent maliciously (TSS: 127)
  • A lord may choose to leave substantial wealth and incomes on younger children (IV: 114)
  • It is customary to punish thieves to the loss of a finger for their crime (IV: 206)
  • A man who steals from a sept might be judged to have stolen from the gods, and so receive a harsher punishment (IV: 206)
  • A prostitute accused of carrying a pox might be punished by having her private parts washed out with lye before being thrown into a dungeon (IV: 207)
  • If one person stabs another in the hand as part of a dispute, they may be punished by having a nail driven through their palm (IV: 207)
  • In some cases, poachers and thieves might be forced to row ships as a punishment for their crimes (IV: 249)
  • If the queen of the Seven Kingdoms were to commit adultery, it would be considered high treason (IV: 577)
  • Of old, the High Septons might appoint seven judges to try a case, and if a woman was accussed, three of them might be women, representing maidens, mothers, and crones (IV: 645, 651)
  • Only a knight of the Kingsguard can champion a queen in a trial by battle if she has been accused of treason (IV: 647)
  • The age of legal majority for men and women is 16 (SSM: 1)
  • The laws of inheritance in Westeros are vague. Outside of Dorne, a man's eldest son is his heir, followed by the next youngest son, and so on. After the sons, most would say that the eldest daughter would inherit but there might be argument from the dead man's brother or a nephew. There are many other questions with murky answers, in particular having to do with the rights of legitimized bastards (SSM: 1)
  • Noble holdings are seldom divided, nor are they generally combined, although one person could concievably hold more than one title. If a lord intended to pass his lands in some unusual fashion, however, that would carry some weight (and likely lead to disputes) (SSM: 1)
  • Lords are not bound by custom or law to support relatives. Some do, however, by giving them posts and positions, or by granting them vassal holdfasts (SSM: 1)
  • The difference between a landed knight and a small lord is the title. A lord has greater powers over his domain than a landed knight, and the title is seen as more prestigious than knighthood. On the other hand, a knight is a fighting man and the title has its own martial and religious meanings with its own special prestige. It is concievable that a landed knight would have more lands and wealth than a small lord (SSM: 1)
  • A lord is expected to arrange matches for his children and his younger, unwed siblings, but he cannot force the marriages if they refuse to say the vows. However, there would be serious consequences to this. Moreover, he does not necessarily arrange marriages for his vassals and household knights, but they would be wise to consult him and respect his feelings when arranging their own matches (SSM: 1)
  • No one needs to be present for the High Septon to annul the marriage, but at least one of the wedded pair must request the annulment (SSM: 1)