The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore


2.2.3. The Conquest of Dorne
  • Daeron the Young Dragon conquered Dorne at 14 (I: 45)
  • The conquest of Dorne lasted a summer (I: 45)
  • The Boy King spent 10,000 men taking Dorne, and 50,000 trying to hold it (I: 45)
  • Daeron I died at the age of 18 (I: 45)
  • King Daeron I, the Young Dragon, was the first to observe that there were three types of Dornishmen: salty Dornishmen, sandy Dornishmen, and stony Dornishmen (III: 430)
  • King Daeron I was very brave in battle (III: 606)
  • The Young Dragon never won three battles in a day (III: 606)
  • King Daeron I wrote Conquest of Dorne with elegant simplicity (III: 607)
  • Baelor the Blessed walked the Boneway barefoot to make peace with Dorne and rescued the Dragonknight from a snakepit. Legend says the vipers refused to strike him because he was so pure and holy, but the truth is that he was bitten half a hundred times and should have died from it. Some say that he was deranged by the venom (III: 664, 665)
  • After the Submission of Sunspear, the Young Dragon left the Lord of Highgarden to rule Dorne for him. He moved with his train from one keep to the next, chasing rebels and keeping the knees of the Dornishmen bent. It was his custom to turn the lords of the keeps he stayed in out of their chambers, to sleep in their place. One night, finding himself in a bed with a heavy velvet canopy, he pulled a sash near the pillows to summon a wench. When he did so, the canopy opened and a hundred red scorpions fell upon him. His death led to rebellion throughout Dorne, and in a fortnight all the Young Dragon had won was undone (III: 747)
  • When the Young Dragon was killed, a Kingsguard knight named Ser Olyvar Oakheart, known as the Green Oak, died at his side (IV: 185)
  • King Daeron wrote in his Conquest of Dorne that the favorite weapons of the Dornishmen are the spear and the sun, but that the latter was by the deadlier (IV: 308)
  • Dorne is the least populous of the Seven Kingdoms, though many outside of this do not realize it because of Daeron I's account of his conquest of Dorne, in which he inflated the numbers of the enemy to glorify his victories, and the Princes of Dorne have been happy to allow the rest of the realm to believe this (IV: 598)