The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore

Concordance The Unsullied
  • Unsullied are eunuchs used as household guards in many of the Free Cities, and can often lose their discipline and go to fat because of such soft service (I: 29. III: 96)
  • The Unsullied wear spiked bronze caps. One spike indicates a low rank, while three spikes going from front to back represent an officer (I: 29. III: 96. SSM: 1)
  • In Astapor one can buy Unsuilled, eunuch slave footsoldiers, absolutely fearless and incredibly disciplined (III: 96, 97)
  • The tale of the Three Thousand of Qohor begins four hundred or more years ago, when the Dothraki first came out of the east to sack and burn every town and city in their path. The khal who led them was named Temmo, and his khalasar numbered 50,000 at least, half of them braided warriors with bells in their hair (III: 96)
  • The Qohorik knew that Temmo came and strengthened their walls, doubled their guard, hired two free companies (the Bright Banners and the Second Sons), and bought 3,000 Unsullied. As the Three Thousand came to Qohor after their long march from Astapor, they saw that a battle had ended and the Dothraki had sent the sellsword companies to flight and defeated much of the Qohorik army. The horselords feasted to sack the city on the morrow, but when morning came the 3,000 Unsullied were drawn up before the gates with the Black Goat standard flying over them (III: 96, 97)
  • Temmo, disdaining his foes on foot, charged the Three Thousand eighteen times. The Unsullied locked their shields, lowered their spears, and stood firm against the 20,000 Dothraki screamers. Three times the khal sent his archers past, arrows raining down on the Unsullied, but they only lifted their shields. In the end only 600 Unsullied remained, but more than 12,000 Dothraki were dead upon the field, including Khal Temmo, his bloodriders, his kos, and all his sons (III: 97)
  • After the battle of the Three Thousand, on the fourth day as morning broke, the new khal led a procession of the survivors past the gates. One by one, each man cut off his braid and threw it down before the feet of the Three Thousand. Since then, the city guard of Qohor has been made solely of Unsilled, every one of whom carries a tall spear from which hangs a braid of human hair (III: 97)
  • The Unsullied are masters of spear, shield, and shortsword (III: 258)
  • The Unsullied do not feel any discomfort or pain, whether from heat or from wounds. They will stand a day and a night and more in terrible heat, with neither food nor water, and will remain so until every one of them has dropped dead if they are so commanded (III: 258-261)
  • For inspection, the Unsullied wear nothing but white linen clouts and conical bronze helms topped with a sharpened spike a foot tall (III: 258)
  • The Unsullied also wear quilted tunics (III: 258)
  • Unsullied are chosen young, for size and speed and strength. They begin their training at five, practicing every day from dawn to dusk until they have mastered the shortsword, the shield, and the three spears (III: 259)
  • The training is very rigorous. Only one boy in three survives (III: 259)
  • Among the Unsullied it is said that on the day they win their spiked cap, the worst is done with, for no duty that will ever fall to them could be as hard as their training (III: 259)
  • Others may be stronger, quicker, or larger, and some few may be as skiled with sword and spear and shield, but nowhere are their warriors more disciplined or obedient (III: 259)
  • The Unsullied come in all sorts. Some are tall and some are short, ranging in ages from perhaps fourteen to twenty when they are ready for sale. More than half have the copper skin and almond eyes of Dothrak and Lhazerene, but there are men from the Free Cities among them, as well as Qartheen, Summer Islanders, and others from more far-flung places (III: 260)
  • All the Unsullied have eyes that seem dead of all emotion (III: 260, 269)
  • A eunuch who is cut young will never be as strong as an uncut man, but the cutting of the Unsullied is believed to make them more loyal, obedient, disciplined, and fearless (III: 260)
  • The Unsullied fight in the manner of the Old Empire and are considered the lockstep legions of Old Ghis come again (III: 260)
  • Death means nothing to the Unsullied, and maiming less than nothing (III: 260)
  • The shortswords othe Unsullied are made more for stabbing than for slashing, but the edge is razor-sharp nonetheless (III: 261)
  • The wine of courage, a potion made of nightshade, bloodfly larva, black lotus root, and many secret things, is the secret to the Unsullied. They drink with every meal from the day they are cut, and with each passing year feel less and less. It makes them fearless, and they cannot be tortured (III: 261)
  • The Unsullied have the entirety of their genitals removed, leaving nothing (III: 261)
  • The Unsullied are not interested in wealth or plunder. They own nothing but their weapons, and are not even permited names. Each dawn bronze name disks, engraved with Ghiscari glyphs, are pulled at random from an empty cask by the Unsullied. From dawn to dusk, the name that disk bears will be the name of the Unsullied. At dusk they replace the disks. (III: 262)
  • The names are meant to remind them that they are vermin, with colors such as Black, Red, Blue, and Brown appended to words such as Toad, Rat, Flea, and Worm (III: 262)
  • The young eunuchs training to become Unsullied are culled if they cannot remember a new name each day, run all day in a full pack, scale a mountain in the black of night, walk across a bed of coals, or slay an infant (III: 262)
  • To win his spiked cap, an Unsullied most go to the slave marts with a silver mark, find a wailing newborn, and kill it before its mother's eyes. In this way do the Astapori slavers make certain that there is no weakness left in them. Few ever fail the test The silver mark is for the owner of the slaves, and not for the mother of the slain newborn (III: 262, 263)
  • The Unsullied are not permitted to steal (III: 263)
  • A harder test than the final one for the Unsullied has to do with dogs. Each boy is given a puppy the day he is cut. At the end of the first year, he is required to strangle it. Any who cannot do so are killed and fed to the surviving dogs, making a strong lesson (III: 263)
  • If any enemy offered the Unsullied freedom from their owner, they would kill him out of hand and bring their master his head. Other slaves may steal and hoard up silver in hopes of buying their freedom, but an Unsullied would not take it if it were offered it as a gift (III: 263)
  • Unsullied are sold only by the unit, either by the thousand or the century. Once they sold by the ten, as household guards, but that proved unsound as they mingled with over slaves and even freemen, and forgot who and what they were (III: 263)
  • The Unsullied are not cheap. They are the finest foot in all the world and each represents many years of training (III: 263)
  • The Unsullied do not have any officers in their ranks. They are trained to obey, not to think (III: 264)
  • Sword, shield, spear, sandals, quilted tunic, and spiked caps are all of the equipment that comes with each Unsullied. They will wear other armor as their owner desires, but they must be provided with it (III: 264)
  • Unsullied do not put cities to the sword or plunder save at the express command of those who lead them (III: 271)
  • On feastdays, the sons of the harpy command Unsullied in the fighting pits to show how brilliant they are as commanders (III: 272)
  • It takes at least ten years to make Unsullied (III: 305)
  • Eight great slaver families, allied from ancient times, are the only ones who produce and sell Unsullied (III: 305)
  • Three ships full of costly goods are enough to be a thousand of Unsullied. A rich and elaborate crown may be enough to buy two more centuries. Three vessels, a cog and two galleys, could suffice for another thousand or two (III: 306)
  • The Unsullied do not question orders, for all the questions have been culled from them. They will even fall upon their swords, if they are so commanded (III: 309)
  • The ownership of Unsullied is signified by a whip, sometimes very elaborate with a handle of dragonbone, carved and inlaid, with nine long thing leather lashes tipped with gilded claws and a golden pommel that's shaped as a woman's head with pointed ivory teeth. The slavers call such whips the harpy's fingers (III: 313)
  • The Unsullied will not sleep in an unfortified camp if they fear danger. They will use earthworks, such as ditches and stakes, to strengthen it (III: 474)
  • The Unsullied say they learn the way of the three spears, in contrast to the ways of pleasure of bed slaves in Yunkai and elsewhere (III: 474)
  • Some say that boiling oil feels like no more than a warm bath to the Unsullied, but it is false. The Unsullied do not feel burns as men do, but oil blinds and kills (III: 645)
  • The Unsullied are fastidious about cleanliness. They will bathe every evening garbed only in their white breechclouts even if they have marched all day, and if there is no water available they will use sand after the Dothraki fashion (III: 649)
  • The Unsullied salute their leaders, kneeling and raising clenched fists to their breasts (III: 649)