The Citadel

The Archive of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Lore


A Feast for Crows Release

Hey is this George R.R. Martin?


I was just wondering... Well I wanted to email to you that I am a great fan! I love your work and wish to tell you so. I was kinda upset with the part in ASoS with what the Freys did to the Starks... I won't ask alot of questions about what Arya will do if she does anything to get revenge.

I also just wanted to let you know I am kinda depressed. I thought AFfC was going to come out in the Summer "August" but its comming in the Fall? :( Is their anyway you can make it come out sooner like Summer?

Please! :)

I wish I could, but it is coming more slowly than expected. These books are huge and they take a long time to write... especially if you are determined to do it right.

P.S. What is Bran doing anyway and who and WHAT is Coldhands... Is the "Lord Of Light" all good as the Red Woman says? Sorry just currious...

You'll have to wait and see. Keep reading.

Brynden Tully’s Bachelorhood

First off, thanks for writing my absolute favorite fantasy novel series. I hope that all is well with you and yours, and you're having a good time with all the travelling you've been doing.

Mostly I've been home the past few months, but I do have some travel coming up.

Once again, the boards have gotten themselves up into a tizzy about a very small detail that is likely to remain forever in mystery, and I've decided to use my first e-mail to you to attempt to get an answer. The question is: why did Brynden Tully not marry at Hoster's request? A lot of folks suspect that he is gay. Others suggest that it is brotherly rivalry. Or lost love. Or impotence. Any light you could shed on this?


I know, I know, it seems a very small (and to me) unimportant detail, but the conversations have made me a bit curious...anyway, the usual disclaimers apply about understanding if you won't tell me, because of future spoilers etc. Though it would be nice to know that it would be revealed in the future. I for one hope we haven't heard the last of the Blackfish.

The Blackfish will be seen in A FEAST FOR CROWS, have no fear. In fact, I was working on a scene with him and Jaime just the other day.

Hmmm. As sad as it sounds, this seems to be it for questions regarding the books right now. Weak, I know. How is AFFC going? Can we expect you to come visit the Northwest any time soon?

FEAST is coming along, but more slowly than I'd like. My appearance schedule is posted on my webpage. At present my next trip to the northwest will be for Foolscap in 2004, but if Bantam sends me on a book tour for FEAST it is likely that I will included Portland and Seattle once again.

Knights and Lords

[This is in response to a question concerning just what the style used by characters such as the Knight of Lemonwood or the Knight of Griffin's Roost meant after receiving some Heraldry-related information.]

As I see it, the title "lord" -- when used formally, and not simply as an honorific --conveys not only prestige, but certain legal rights as well. The right of pit and gallows, as they were once called, for instance -- i.e. authority to hang people and toss them into dungeons.

A landed knight has rather less prestige -- a lord outranks a knight at feasts and tourneys, for instance -- and also somewhat lesser rights.

But certain landed knights, of ancient houses, with extensive lands, and large strong castles, may be lords in all but name. These uber-knights may actually be more powerful than many smaller lordlings, so there's an overlap. Their peculiar status if often reflected by taking a style that incorporates the name of their castle, such as the Knight of Ninestars.

Connington is a special case, and you have the essence of it. Details are made clear in FEAST FOR CROWS. When Jon Connington was defeated at the Battle of the Bells, Aerys exiled him and stripped his House of all its lands and wealth. After the Rebellion, Robert restored the castle to a cousin of Lord Jon's... but only the castle, and some small grounds around it. The extensive Connington lands were parceled out to others, and the house's wealth remained in the treasury. Nor was Robert willing to recall Lord Jon from exile, since he had been among Prince Rhaegar's closest friends. Thus the Conningtons were once great lords... but Red Ronnet, their present head, is simply a landed knight, the Knight of Griffin's Roost.

Somewhat the same sequence is true of the Merryweathers of Longtable, by the way, though in that case Robert was prevailed upon to restore the lordship as well as the castle. Even so, the present Lord Merryweather is nowise as rich and powerful as his grandfather, the old man who served as Aerys's Hand after Lord Tywin and before Jon Connington.

Numerous Questions

I have loved reading (and re-reading) the books you have written so far in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series, and that I am greatly looking forward to the forthcoming books. I've been told that you sometimes answer reader's queries relating to the books over email, and was wondering if you could answer some of mine if you're not too busy? I realise you may not be able to answer some of these questions without compromising what plot twists you may have planned, but for what it's worth:

1. Was Mirri Maz Duur telling the truth when she told Daenerys Targaryen that the latter could never have children again?

I am sure Dany would like to know. Prophecy can be a tricky business.

2. Is Varys truly a eunuch, or is it just another of his many disguises?

Guess we won't know till someone takes a peek inside his breeches.

3. Is Daenerys Targaryen or anyone in her entourage able to tell whether her dragons are male or female? (Is the question relevant to dragons?)

Not yet.

4. Daenerys Targaryen believed that her brother Rhaegar loved Lyanna Stark. Does she also believe that Lyanna Stark returned this love?

Dany is not sure what to believe.

5. Since all of their mothers died, who gave Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen and Tyrion Lannister their names?

Mothers can name a child before birth, or during, or after, even while they are dying. Dany was most like named by her mother, Tyrion by his father, Jon by Ned.

6. I can understand why Robert Baratheon was sent to be John Arryn's ward -- his parents had died -- but why was Eddard Stark sent as well? Was this an established practice among noble houses? Were Stannis and/or Renly Baratheon sent to be wards with anyone?

Yes, fostering was common among noble houses, both in Westeros and in the real middle ages. Especially for boys. It was considered both a means of education, and a way to cultivate friendships and alliances.

Thank you once more for your time and all the best for your future works.

You're welcome.

Magic, the Darrys, and POVs

I was wondering if Valyrian steel could stand against the swords of the Others and also if they could kill Others.

The Night's Watch would like to know as well.

In ACoK it was mentioned that the Darrys line had been ended except for a unnamed bastard. Since in ASoS we learned that the Darrys had stayed loyal to the Targaryen and lost most of their power for it, and since a Darry saved Dany, I was wondering if Dany was going to meet the bastard and legitimize him?

Anything is possible. Some Freys have Darry blood as well, though.

Bran often speaks of the crow teaching him how to "fly". Is it fly in the physical sense or fly in the sense of improving his minds ability to leave his body.

No comment.

Also, I have heard that Bran and Arya will spend AFfC training and that they will have the least amount of POV chapters. Is that true???

No comment.

Strength of the Regions

I first wanted to say thank you for all of your wonderful writing, and great job with Jaime Lannister, he is rapidly turning into my favorite character.

He has a certain deadly charm, I will admit.

Quick question - We have seen all of the seven kingdoms in action in one way or another except Dorne and the Vale. I am trying to get an understanding of the various strengths of the different realms. When Robb calls the Northern Banners he gathers a host of about 18 thousand men. How do Dorne and the Vale compare to this (I don't expect numbers, just general feeling)

I'd say these three kingdoms were roughly equal in the force they could assemble... but the north is much bigger, so it takes longer for an army to gather. And life is harsher there as well, so lords and smallfolk both need to think carefully before beating those plowshares into swords.

I also gather that Highgarden is the most populated place (Renly mentions 40,000 men), with the Lannisters being next (two combined hosts in GoT seem to be about 35,000).

The Reach is the second largest domain (after the north), and the most populous and fertile as well. The westerlands are the richest, with all the gold and silver in those hills. Those two regions also have the greatest strength at sea, after the Iron Islands.

Dragonstone appears to be the least powerful. The Riverlands and Stormlords appear to fall in the middle I imagine.

Dragonstone is last, agreed. The riverlands are rich and fertile and populous, but suffer from divided leadership and a lack of natural boundaries. The stormlands have lots of trees and rocks and rain.

Keep writing, and many thanks!

You're welcome, and keep reading.

Tyrion’s Tumbling

I have one other small thing I wanted to ask if that's okay. I was re-reading GOT and I noticed that you had Tyrion doing flips and handstands at the feast at Winterfell and I was wondering if you had planned on giving him a "gymnasts" skills or a sort of circus midgets skills and then decided you didn't want that, because I don't ever remember him doing anything like that again in the series.

Well, the occasion did not call for it... but you may see some more along those lines in the new book.

Chronology and Distances

I know chronology on a story this size must be tough, but there seems to be a slight discrepancy concerning stannis and the wall. Now, the others attack the fist not long before the wildings show up to find the remains.

Sam sends off a raven and in turn ravens are sent to the kings asking for help. It appears that the message has been on dragonstone for some time, before Davos finds out and decides to act on it. Now judging from the maps, and the timeline i've got in my head, there is no way that stannis would have made it in time to save the wall from the Mance.

Here's my take, maybe you could correct me if i'm wrong.

-Others attack the fist, sam sends off a raven, a few days later it reaches the wall.
-a few days later the wildings come upon the fist, probably about the same time the raven reaches the wall.
-messages are sent to the kings, judging from the distance in the maps, stannis receives the message 1 month later.
-Jon scales the wall and a week to 2 weeks later he gets back to the wall. I'm sure by this time the raven hasn't reached stannis or is just reaching him.
-let's say for example, the message wasn't brought to attention for a couple of weeks, then Stannis sails from dragonstone, takes app. a month to reach eastwatch by the bay. Takes another few days to reach castle black. so if we add all that up, stannis is late by about a month and a half.

The reason I am never specific about dates and distances is precisely so that people won't sit down and do this sort of thing.

My suggestion would be to put away the ruler and the stopwatch, and just enjoy the story.

Dunk and Egg and A Feast for Crows

I've just heard rumours of a planned sequel to LEGENDS, could you confirm this. Assuming you plan to contribute to another short story collection would your piece be another tale of Dunk and Egg?

If LEGENDS II does indeed happen -- that is not entirely certain as I write -- I will indeed contribute a second Dunk and Egg story, "The Sworn Sword."

Will A FEAST FOR CROWS span the same 5 year peroid you originally intended to have between A STORM OF SWORDS and A DANCE WITH DRAGONS or will it be more condensed time frame?

I hope to cover the five years.

Finally I don't suppose you have a burning desire to reveal key plot details (or any details for that matter) from AFFC to a complete stranger. I just thought I'd ask on the off chance :)

Nice try.

Donnel of Duskendale

[A brief mail, in which GRRM is commenting on my speculation in the Heraldry pages that Ser Donnel of Duskendale, from "The Hedge Knight" was a Darklyn.]

Hmmm... no, probably not. If he was a Darklyn I would have used his house name. But no doubt he was inspired by their example.

R’hllor and Evil

I just want you to know that your books are great. They are the best I have ever read. I must say, even better than Tolkien. I hope I am not shot for that.

It's quite a compliment, but don't worry, I seldom shoot my readers.

I hope you are okay after tuesday's events. Gods know, I would really hate for you not to finish those books.

Me too. September 11 had its impact on me, as on everyone else, but I was two thousand miles away in Santa Fe, so I'm okay.

Not that we all don't value your person. Just to those of us you haven't knighted at the cheesesteak place, your books problay are more real.

Perfectly understable. I feel the same way about my own favorite writers.

About my question. Melisandre, I hope I am not butchering the spelling, really seems to be evil to me. She births shadow babies, and talks very much of blood. This seems to be blood magic to me. Perhaps its not.

But if it is, then is it evil, for Mirri was evil. Or just a vengeful bitch like the terriorists.

Mirri Maz Duur considered herself a hero, and no doubt Melisandre feels the same. What they are in truth... well, that's for each reader to determine for himself. I don't intend to make it easy.

Thoros is a totally different person. He is kind hearted and nice. Is this just because he washed out and became a fake priest. Or is this the way most red priests act?

Red priests are human beings, and like other human beings, they vary greatly.

And then there are the dragons, and the apparent increase in magic they brought on with their birth. Is R'hllor only truly able to touch the world when dragons live. And are the seven affected. Like Davos and the mother.

You'll need to keep reading to learn more.

Once again, I hope you are alright.

I'm fine. Thanks for your concern.

Concerning the Tower of Joy

I have a question which I'm sure you can (and will?) answer. It's about the Tower of Joy. The image we get from Ned's description is pretty powerful. But it doesn't make sense. The top three kingsguards, including the lord commander amd the best knight in ages, Ser Arthur Dayne are present there. Lyanna is in the tower, she asked Ned to promise him something. This, so says the general consensus us little Jon Snow, who is Lyanna's and Rhaegar's. No sense denying this ;)

However, what are the Kingsguards doing fighting Eddard? Eddard would never hurt Lyanna, nor her child. The little one would be safe with Eddard as well, him being a close relative. So I ask you, was there someone else with Lyanna and Jon?

You'll need to wait for future books to find out more about the Tower of Joy and what happened there, I fear.

I might mention, though, that Ned's account, which you refer to, was in the context of a dream... and a fever dream at that. Our dreams are not always literal.

Also, did the Kingsguards know what was in the Tower?


Cheers, I really hope you will answer these questions for me, I'll not bother you again if you do, I promise hahaha.

Merry Christmas btw, it's almost on us!

And a happy new year to you.

Valyria-related Subjects

Did Tohbo Mott ever teach Gendry the secrets of reworking Valyrian steel?

Interesting question.

Who or what were the Stormsingers? What could they do?

Another eastern magical discipline.

What happened to Ser Arthur Dayne's sword Dawn after Ned brought it back to Ashara?

Dawn remains at Starfall, until another Sword of the Morning shall arise.

In Valyria did they work Dragonbone into Valyrian steel?


Did Tyrion ever finish reading the book concerning dragons that he borrowed from Winterfell?


Touring and Hollywood Interest

I am coming to Europe twice... to the Netherlands in April, and the Czech Republic in June/July...

_A Game of Thrones_ is now uncontested #1 on the Internet Top 100 SF/Fantasy list, passing even the Lord of the Rings. First time that LotR has lost the position since about four editions into the list ... nearly 7 years ago.

That's pretty astonishing, considering the huge LOTR presence right now. Very gratifying. I hope I can hold on.

Have you seen _The Fellowship of the Ring_ movie yet? There are not a few fans curious as to your reaction to it, and whether you think it'll spell the beginning of a revival of major Hollywood fantasy projects. :)

I have seen the movie three times so far. I have quibbles, certainly... but all in all I thought it was magnificent, far and away the best fantasy film ever made.

As to whether it will mean a general revival of fantasy in Hollywood... well, we can hope. If they are all done as well as FELLOWSHIP, that would be exciting indeed, but I fear they won't be.

On a personal level, the studios aren't lining up to buy A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE yet, but it does look as though I am about to close a film deal on "The Skin Trade," and there is some interest in WILD CARDS as well.

The WILD CARDS revival is going very well, by the way. I just turned in the first new book, DEUCES DOWN, which is scheduled for publication this summer. Jim Steranko will do the cover, and Tim Truman the interior illustrations.

Religion and Knighthood

I just want to start by saying that I a great fan of your work. In aSoS Davos said that he expected Devan to be eventually made a knight. If Devan keeps to R'hllor is that possible?

Could be a problem there, but it's possible that Stannis will change the rituals.

Can someone who keeps to the old gods be made a knight too or is it a exclusive of the Seven?

The latter. Those who follow the old gods can be the northern equivilent of knights, but it's not quite the same.